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Abdominal Massage & Detoxification (17hrs)
Abdominal Massage & Detoxification is a powerful way to release stress and restore the Mind, Body, and Spirit. It stimulates internal organs, improve digestion, helps with abdominal or menstrual pain, improves fertility, helps with PMS, migraines, etc.

Registration deadline is 2 weeks before each class.​
Give us a call at 252-206-FIVE(3483) if you would like for me to come teach at your space or if you would like to host your class at our location.
Tawanda Auston
NCBTMB Approved Provider #1000292
Releasing for Self-Care (4hrs)
Release what you don't want. Give Thanks for what you have. Set Intentions for what you want.
(NCBTMB only accepts four (4) CEs per renewal period)
****Also available online
Ethics-Professional Protocol (3hrs)
Boundaries, Confidentiality, and Transference
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